European P2P investors gradually going mobile

One in seven P2P investors use their smartphones primarily as financial instruments. At the same time, computers are preferable for investors when working with P2P sites. These are the results of the latest survey conducted by the investment platform Robocash.

Almost 30% of P2P investors have a mobile experience in one way or another connected with financial and investment activity. In addition to direct tracking of funds (13,1%), another 9% spend the most time on banking and 7% on business. 

When choosing a gadget, respondents favor its practicality, namely, a capacious battery (21%), operating system and interface (18%). Categories such as brand are far behind (3%).

Although investors prefer to track their financial flows through a smartphone, computers turned out to be more convenient for them when working with P2P sites (58%). In addition to mobile apps and stationary programs, websites also became the main tools for working with investments. In total, more than a quarter of respondents make a key bet on them.

80% of respondents agreed that, to some extent, P2P sites need their own mobile applications.  The growing importance of smartphones is indirectly confirmed by the analysis of thematic queries in Google. The share of “P2P investment” and “peer to peer lending” requests from mobile devices has been increasing steadily since February 2021. “This result can be assessed as a gradual shift of investors to mobile technologies. But a fundamental change in consumer preferences will take some time, especially given the mature age of most respondents.” - Robocash analysts comment on statistics.

Robocash d.o.o („Robocash“) ist ein in der Republik Kroatien unter der Registrierungsnummer 081224371 registriertes Unternehmen mit Sitz in Petračićeva 4, Zagreb, Croatia, 10110.

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