P2P lending as a significant income source for young investors

The P2P lending is turning to a significant source of additional income for the growing number of the European investors. According to the research carried out by analysts of the platform Robo.cash, this occurs due to the rising share of young investors in the market.

The analysts of the European P2P service Robo.cash note that the most part of today’s investors is in the age of 25-44 years and the half of that number is just getting experience but positive about the alternative lending and going to increase the inflow of assets in P2P in the coming years.

The majority of investors are in the age groups: 25-34 years — 40%, 35-44 years — 31%, 45-60 years — 20%. The less number is the age of 18-24 years (6%) and 61 plus (3%). These figures are supported by the employment of investors: employees — 72%, entrepreneurs — 15%, students — 6%, retiree — 2%.

At the same time, the most investors are just getting acquainted with P2P-services (52%) and the comparable number already has at least one-year practice: 1-3 years — 34% and over 4 years — 13%.

With regard to sources that bring up to one third of investors' income, the P2P lending takes the lead, leaving securities and interests from bank deposits and business behind. Thus, if earlier the P2P lending was the prerogative of experienced investors, then today this type of investments is widely used by young people as a tool serving to improve the welfare, — the analysts of the P2P platform Robo.cash concluded.

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