A closer look at Robo.cash by Sneakypeer

How to navigate the P2P industry safely? Sneakypeer developed their own measures to evaluate platforms' trustworthiness and riskiness. In their new article, they talk about factors to consider before you start investing in Robo.cash.


Robocash is a fully automated P2P platform launched in 2017 and located in Croatia. Currently it is available for investors throughout the EU, UK and Switzerland. This platform offers commercial and consumer loans (instalments, short-term loans). The money invested in commercial loans is used to develop the group’s business.
Robocash has experienced a significant growth in the past years and is considered one of the most popular and reliable P2P Lending platforms in Europe. Let's take a closer look at Robocash, what their advantages, what the platform lacks and most importantly, should we consider investing in Robocash?


Investors place a high value on transparency in a P2P lending platform to ensure that their investments remain safe and secure. Additionally, with more insight into loan terms and conditions, investors are better equipped to make informed decisions. Robocash is one of the most transparent platforms in the market, with a clear stance on Ultimate Beneficial Owners (UBOs). Unlike other P2P lending platforms, Robocash has never shied away from making their owners known. Furthermore, the platform has made available annual financial reports of the Robocash Group, along with key indicators and a sophisticated statistics page, to ensure that investors have all the information they need.


Robocash's advertised annual return rate of 14% is significantly higher than the current market interest rate, indicating a slight increase in risk. While Robocash's statistics indicate that investors are earning less than what would be expected from such a high rate, it is still achievable by investing in higher risk loans and taking advantage of their loyalty program. Additionally, there is no cost associated with investing in Robocash. It is important to distinguish achievable interest rates from false promises. For instance, Mintos advertises a 12% rate, while investing in relatively safe loans issued by established loan originators without taking huge currency risks would result in a maximum return of 6%.

Regulation, risks

Robocash is currently not a regulated platform, unlike the other leading market participants such as Twino, Mintos, Debitum and others, who have successfully obtained a licence and are operating under the supervision of local regulators. Unfortunately, Robocash has not yet obtained any licence related to investment brokerage and is located in Croatia, where platforms such as Credon and PeerBerry have relocated to in order to avoid regulatory compliance.

The above-mentioned Mintos has encountered numerous difficulties with loan originators, however this is where Robocash has proven to be the most reliable. Unlike marketplace platforms, Robocash only provides investments in loans issued by their own group companies. This makes Robocash a perfect complement to an already well established PDL business. Consequently, the risks associated with loan originators are virtually eliminated.

Comments and answers from Robocash representatives

Why Robocash has decided to be more transparent than others, how this approach goes together with the vision of the platform?

- In the conditions of growing competition both in the P2P market itself and in global financial markets, it is important not only to come to investors with a profitable offer, but also to ensure the safety of their funds. Transparency in communications is one of the tools that maintains our reliability. We use every opportunity to cover the main questions from investors. Among other things, we hold regular webcasts, share business updates on social networks, participate in conferences and are open to meetings. Our support team is always ready not only to help investors with any issues, but also to answer any questions regarding the platform. Our mission is to make people richer and happier, investments - easier and more reliable, and hence accessible to everyone. Transparency is fully consistent with the vision of the platform and our plans for further development.

What is an average interest rate that an investor can expect using the auto-invest feature and being a part of the loyalty program?

- At the end of November 2022, the largest share of Robocash investors was the diamond category with 25k+ euros in loans for a period of half to a year. Given the current interest rate breakdown and participation in the loyalty program, investors can expect an average rate of 12%.

How do you evaluate the necessity for a licence for a P2P Lending platform? Are there any future plans to obtain a licence?

-Obtaining a licence is a platform step towards building investor confidence. Given that the P2P market has all the prospects for development, the process of implementing regulation is a necessary measure, especially after the cases with the fraudulent schemes of some platforms.

At the same time, having a licence can bring certain restrictions for the platform, since many actions will require approval from the regulator. There will be more requirements for investors as well, and an increase in demand may lead to a decrease in profitability. 

We strive to simplify the product, maintaining a balance of risk and return. Robocash has more than 5 years of successful experience in Europe and a zero-default history. The platform complies with the applicable laws and regulations of the Republic of Croatia. We are considering various licensing options, but currently there is no variant that fits our model. As soon as we find a suitable option, we will definitely use it.

Read the full text of the article if you want to learn more about Sneakypeer measures and get an in-depth review of Robo.cash.

Robocash d.o.o (“Robocash”) is a company registered in the Republic of Croatia under registration No. 081224371, with legal address at Petračićeva 4, Zagreb, Croatia, 10110.

Robocash is not regulated under any financial services license. When you invest on Robocash, you buy claim rights for loan receivables and investments in loan receivables are subject to risks. We advise diversifying investments and carefully evaluating the risks.