Changes in interest rates from February 8

The new rates will apply to loans from 91 days to 3 years

As most businesses of Robocash Group have currently achieved self-sustaining state, we are reducing interest rates on several loan terms and do not plan to increase the volume of the placed loans in the near future. 
Below is the new breakdown effective from February 8, 2023.

“Thanks to the management efficiency and commitment to the business priorities, our companies have reached a solid level of development. At the moment, there is no need for a large financing from the platform, especially in the 1st half of this year. However, the launch of new countries and products will increase the Group's needs for additional funds. 

Seeing this, we have decided to lower rates and temporarily reduce the supply on the platform.  We constantly monitor the market situation, but this is primarily our business decision to contain the cost of attracting funds in the prospects for future growth, as well as short-term profits. In the meantime, the platform team will focus more on improving the service”. - comments Natalia Ischenko, CEO of Robocash Group.

Please adjust your portfolio settings to get your funds invested properly. 


Robocash d.o.o (“Robocash”) is a company registered in the Republic of Croatia under registration No. 081224371, with legal address at Petračićeva 4, Zagreb, Croatia, 10110.

Robocash is not regulated under any financial services license. When you invest on Robocash, you buy claim rights for loan receivables and investments in loan receivables are subject to risks. We advise diversifying investments and carefully evaluating the risks.