P2P investments top most effective tool

Since the beginning of the year, P2P investments have increased their share in investor portfolios more than other assets. At the same time, when planning their future expenses, investors still trust stocks more.

Against the backdrop of a market downturn, more than half of European P2P investors have already reshaped their portfolios. Compared to other assets, the share of P2P investments showed an increase for the majority of respondents (42%).

It is likely that in the current conditions of global instability, investors choose P2P based on the combination of profitability, security guarantees and ease of use.

Cryptocurrency reduced its share in investor portfolios the most (23%), which is explained by the protracted drop of quotations.

When comparing investor portfolios in 2021 and 2022, P2P investments also come out on top with a total share of 26%. ETFs show the largest decline in popularity (from 25% to 2%). Apparently, this is a direct consequence of the general decrease in the stock markets. 

Speaking about future plans, 20% investors expect to increase the share of P2P investments in their portfolio further. In their turn, 23% of respondents plan to buy more shares. “Most likely they believe in the near recovery of the world economy and that now is the best time to buy promising securities”. - add the specialists.

 * The information in the article and the graph is based on the results of survey conducted by Robo.cash among 436 investors in July 2022. 

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