Webcast Recap: Results 2023, Plans, and CEO Transition

On May 30th, we hosted a webinar to share our business plans and latest updates. 

You can watch the recording of the webcast at the link below.



  • In 2023, the number of new platform users amounted to 5.9 thousand. Decrease in registrations is mostly attributed to the loan supply;
  • The total amount of loans financed reached the mark of 700 M euros; 
  • There were no defaulted loans and no late payments. 

In 2024, Robo.cash will continue operating with moderate loan volumes and will focus on developing the service. 


  • Interest income and commission income for the full year amounted to USD 192.2 M;
  • The FY 2023 net profit showed a decrease due to the sale of the lending business in Vietnam and investments in new services in Asia;
  • Total assets reached USD 125.4 M, up by 10.4% YoY;
  • Total equity amounted to USD 10.2 M, a slight short-term decline of 7.3% YoY;
  • In 2023, the Group introduced POS loans, with installment loans services in Kazakhstan and the Philippines ready for launch. 

For more details, you can view the report on the Group’s website.


From June 1, 2024, Sergey Sedov, the Group's Founder, returned to the position of the Group's CEO. Natalia Ishchenko, Former CEO of UnaFinancial, has decided to pursue new career opportunities and personal interests outside the Group.

“Under Natalia’s management, the Group has shown significant achievements and strong performance. We appreciate her considerable contribution to the business development. Our strategy will continue to focus on strengthening financial performance. For the first four months of 2024, the Group achieved a net profit of USD 3.7 M. We remain committed to further scaling our profitable projects and will be sure to share with you all updates regarding our projects throughout the year”. - Sergey Sedov, Founder of UnaFinancial.


We've compiled the main questions we covered at the meeting. The full version of the Q&A is available in the webcast recording.


Which are the main causes of the very large reduction of net profits compared to the previous year? 

There were two main factors that impacted our short-term profitability. The first is the suspension of operations in Vietnam. And secondly, we invested in new services. In 2023, we launched POS loans in UnaCash and prepared to launch installment loans in Kazakhstan. We also worked on developing a number of services, such as POS loans and Installment loans in the Philippines and a Global Digital Platform, which is designed to accelerate the launch of new products. We are also preparing to establish a microfinance company in Uzbekistan in partnership with Microcreditbank. While these investments may have initially impacted our bottom line, we believe that these new projects will yield positive results in the future. 

What are the risks for investors with the fall in net profit?

The decrease in profit was short-term, and this year the holding already got over 3 million dollars of net income. We will keep our focus on strengthening financial performance and scaling profitable projects. So the decrease in net profits in 2023 is not going to impact investors negatively. 

The group has positive net assets, and the volume of its short-term liabilities is lower than current assets. The current ratio is over 1, which indicates that the group can cover its short-term debts to investors, and the audited financial statements prove it. 


What is the breakdown in your loan book between current loans, late loans and loans in default? And by credit companies?

Commercial loans by RC Riga Singapore account for the biggest part of the portfolio, a little over 80%. Digido from the Philippines comes second with 18% of all loans. Prestamer Spain has 1%, and Sri Lanka accounts for the remaining 0.2% of the platform portfolio. 

As there are so many commercial loans, which cannot go overdue, the share of late loans is at around 2% of the total portfolio, and there has never been a default loan on the Robo.cash.

What is the breakdown of investors between Platinum, Gold and no bonus (in € and %)?

The breakdown by portfolio amount is almost even across the categories. Gold-level investors hold 30% of the investment portfolio, and Platinum investors account for 29%. The remaining 41% are investors with a standard level. Together the Gold and Platinum participants of the loyalty program hold over 50 million euros worth of loans.


In August 2022, you announced a number of product development promises: a mobile app, a new web interface, a French translation, etc. Are there any updates on this?

We have a detailed roadmap for our platform where we capture all planned features, systematically prioritize and implement them. Priorities may change due to a number of factors, but we strive to deliver what we have outlined whenever possible. For now, the French translation has been postponed, but we are not giving up on the idea. 

As for the mobile app, we have done various studies, surveys in this area and so far we see that there is no strong demand for it, so this was not our plan for the coming years. 

Can you give us an idea of how the platform is developing? Are there any new features or functionalities planned?

The platform team is working on improving the customer experience. Some of these improvements are visible, such as the new Statistics tab or the “Portfolio” income option. Some are more subtle – for example, we’ve updated the deposits and withdrawals interface, emails design, and our customer care flow. 

Our plan for this year is to launch a new investment strategy, refresh the website design, and continue improving the overall customer experience.

If I've understood correctly, Robo.cash is a solution that allows you to raise private funds to finance your credit companies without having to go through the banks. Is that correct? Do you have a more strategic vision for this platform?

Robo.cash is a strategic source of funding for the holding UnaFinancial that allows it to raise funds to develop their business. These are not only the credit companies, but also other projects and services, such as a global development platform. 

The platform is developing, but changes take time, and oftentimes they are not openly visible, as we mentioned before. We are working on the design though, and we plan to roll out the first part of it this year. 

Can you give us some visibility on: future loan volumes, changes in rates and maturities, the development of new credit companies, new countries, etc.?

We plan to keep the supply of loans at about the same volume as now. It is unlikely to grow in the near future, but it won’t go down either.

We also had a few questions about the interest rates. They depend on a combination of different factors, such as market conditions, business needs and loan originators performance, among others. We monitor all these factors regularly to keep the balance between investors, market and business needs. 

Given the holding company's plans to focus on current projects, we do not expect to onboard new creditors to the platform this year. Even when new projects are launched in the Group, it should take some time before they appear on the platform.

How do you see Robocash in the context of P2P in a 5-10 years time frame?

This is a long prospect, and it’s hard to know for sure where the platform and the holding will be in 10 years. For now we don’t plan any significant changes to our business model, but we will adjust it to our business needs.

The presentation for the webcast can be found here. The webcast recording is available on our YouTube channel. 


See you at the next webinar! 

Robocash d.o.o (“Robocash”) is a company registered in the Republic of Croatia under registration No. 081224371, with legal address at Petračićeva 4, Zagreb, Croatia, 10110.

Robocash is not regulated under any financial services license. When you invest on Robocash, you buy claim rights for loan receivables and investments in loan receivables are subject to risks. We advise diversifying investments and carefully evaluating the risks.