Inflation tops events for P2P investors in 2022

Almost half of the investors who participated in a recent survey named inflation as the most influential investment event of the past year. In 2023, a third of platform users intend to increase their investment portfolio in favor of P2P and shares.

Investors called inflation growth the main trend that determined investment activity in 2022 (43%). The top also included the geopolitical crisis (25%) and market decline (18%). "
Inflation did not cause a massive exit into risky assets with higher yields. Given the unpredictability of the market, investors have maintained their approach to working with finances." – analysts comment on the statistics.

In addition to global context several investors separately noted the factors that influenced their strategies. Among them are trust in the platform, search for higher interest rates and high liquidity.

In their expectations for 2023, 34% are set to increase their total investment portfolio. 43% plan to keep its volume approximately the same, and only 4% plan to reduce it.

Among the assets that investors plan to increase, P2P investments (24%), stocks (22%) and ETFs (17%) are in the lead.

As for the P2P market itself, the forecasts here are still unambiguously positive. More than 60% of P2P investors expect the market to rise in 2023. 10% believe it will decline.

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