Let’s talk about UnaFinancial – answering your questions

On September 7, we announced the rebranding of Robocash Group to UnaFinancial. In this article, we would like to answer your questions as promised.

Will the Robocash platform be branded in the same way as Una?

There is no intention to change the platform brand. We have been planning an updated design of the website for some time now, changing some visual components and sections. The vision of the platform as well as its mission will remain the same. 

Will the change improve loan performance? Will there be shorter term loans?

The rebranding itself signifies a new stage in the holding company's development, namely a shift in focus from alternative lending to building a broader financial ecosystem. As new projects are launched, there will be more supply on the platform. So far, loans of different maturities are placed on the platform on a regular basis.

Why don't you just rename the Group but not the platform? 

It was the holding company that got rebranded, not the platform. 

Each UnaFinancial service is a unique product with its own story to tell, where each brand reflects its own strategy and mission and aims to convey a unique identity to its audience. The change of the holding company's brand marked new directions for expansion and strengthening of positions in the target market, but it will not affect the existing services in terms of brand, including the European platform Robocash. As long as our products align with the overall mission of the company, we keep the value of their established brands. 

I would like to know if your holding company or group of companies is thinking about regulating itself as a financial structure to protect investors' money and to be legal on a financial level.

The headquarters of the group are fully registered in Singapore and now in Dubai, both leading international financial centers.  

With regards to the group’s entities across Asia and Europe, each market of our presence has its own legislative framework and we work in compliance with it. As an example, our business in the Philippines, Digido Finance Corp. is licensed by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) of the Republic of the Philippines.

Apart from the regulatory aspects, we conduct regular company audits to confirm that our financial statements comply with accepted accounting principles.

The alternative lending market, in general, comes with certain risks. Here, it is important not only to comply with all local laws, but also to conduct a thorough risk analysis, evaluating all possible outcomes and minimizing risks of any downfalls for the company and its clients. 

As for the platform, our legal team constantly monitors the market for regulatory opportunities that might fit our operational model. As soon as such an opportunity arises, we will be sure to use it.

With the possible bankruptcy or dissolution of the Robocash Group or now with the name change to UnaFinancial, what security do you have for investors like me?

It is in the holding company's best interest to keep the business healthy and profitable. UnaFinancial manages liquidity on a day-to-day basis and also monitors the distribution of long-term and short-term liabilities so that there is no liquidity gap. The audited financial results confirm that the Group has liquid reserves to cover all obligations to Robocash investors. 

Our finance and risk team closely monitors the performance of local companies and responds promptly if results do not meet our expectations.

Where can I find the old reports that you published before? 

The reports available at the website of UnaFinancial are the ultimate source of correct and relevant information about the financial state of our parent holding. Please remember that the reports published for Robocash Group in the earlier years (up to 2021) embraced a different structure and set of companies, and they cannot be used as reference points for current performance of the group. 

Thank you again for your questions. We are always open to your feedback as it is an essential pillar of our development.

Robocash d.o.o (“Robocash”) is a company registered in the Republic of Croatia under registration No. 081224371, with legal address at Petračićeva 4, Zagreb, Croatia, 10110.

Robocash is not regulated under any financial services license. When you invest on Robocash, you buy claim rights for loan receivables and investments in loan receivables are subject to risks. We advise diversifying investments and carefully evaluating the risks.