Summary of the webcast from August 23, 2022

This is a summary of the webcast with the new CEO Robocash Group Natalya Ischenko that we held on Tuesday. 

You can watch the recording of the webcast at the link below. 



  • Investors’ earnings for the 6 months totalled 1.3 M euro.
  • Over 3700 new users joined
  • The amount of purchased loans in this period reached 95.9 M euro.

In the past semester, the platform had to focus on practical objectives rather than far-going plans. The key goal was to maintain our average monthly volumes, and it was achieved by the summer. 

Another focus has been gradual improvement of the product. We introduced a new onboarding procedure that allowed us to reduce verification time to just a few minutes, and also be more compliant with EU legislation. 

Our strategic goal is to become one of the most convenient P2P platforms. 


Here are some of the results of our parent holding for the first 6 months of this year.

On the Group level, we had a few big achievements

  • The Group made 214.9 M USD in revenue – 53.6% more than in H1 2021.
  • Zaimer Kazakhstan exceeded initial net profit estimates by 409%, maintaining the group's leading position in the country segment.
  • UnaCash expands its ecosystem with the launch of UnaPharma, the first ever medicine aggregator service in the Philippines.
  • Prestamer maintains the share of overdue loans at 8,3% FPD 30+.

The Group is now focused on expanding in Central Asia and scaling the UNA products in the Philippines. We are also extending our product line and launching a new customer care strategy. 

In the long run, Robocash Group is going to pursue expanding into Africa and Latin America. 



Since the Group inception, our strategy and main goal has been to make a profit. We generated profit for years and developed out of our own revenues. Having successfully passed through the crises, we got stable positions in such countries as Kazakhstan and the Philippines and became market leaders there. We improved our unit economics. The recovery rate and collection volumes are either stable or grow and swiftly recover in cases of the crisis slumps. 

So, now is the time to fulfill our long-term plans, and for this, we need a different structure. Hence the changes. Sergey Sedov remains in the Group as Chairman of the Board Committee, while Natalya takes the position of the CEO. As you know, we also appointed a new CFO, a Chief Investment Officer, and we now also have Regional directors. All these changes are meant to strengthen the Group at the scale it has now and give it a better basis for growth and expansion. 

All our management changes will not affect the work of the platform and investors in any way, so you have nothing to worry about. 


Are you planning to expand to other countries?

We have been working on launching a new company in Kenya*, Africa. In the long run, we look into expanding to Latin America as well, as we follow our strategy of working with emerging markets. Normally we give a new business some time to get stable before we consider adding its products to the platform, so it is unlikely that these loans will appear on within a year. 
* - Options are still under consideration. Information will be updated as management decides.

Which is the greatest danger or challenge for your Group in the current world economic situation and how exactly do you plan to address it? Is there any possibility that Robocash Group's business could be blocked in the future because of the sanctions?

The outcome of geopolitical and economic crises, unfortunately, is not under our control. Probably this is the main challenge. We do evaluate negative scenarios for countries where we operate in terms of a possible economic crisis and plan ways to safeguard our assets. 

Do you have any problems with employees leaving Russia? Do you have problems with your IT-infrastructure, because foreign IT and software companies do not provide these products or services in Russia anymore?

The company has always had the ability to relocate employees, and now, with limited transactions, the holding also provides support to employees abroad and those who are planning to relocate. Since we are an international holding, the decisions of foreign IT companies, for the most part, did not affect our processes. We can also find alternatives to the software if it is necessary.

Do you plan for the future to work further from Russia or placing the management in one of the other countries you are active in?

Our employees are already working from different countries of business operations. For example, in the Philippines, Spain, Kazakhstan and European countries, as well as in other places like Georgia, Turkey and Thailand. Part of the management works locally. For example, country managers, CEO of Una products, co-founder of the Group Paul Valin. 

How would your business out of Russia be affected if there were no more interaction between your Russian business and the business in other countries?

There are no ongoing transfers between Robocash Group in Singapore and Russian companies or parts of Robocash Group in Russia and we do not plan to do it in future. Zaymer, representing the Group in Russia, is focused on the domestic market and uses internal resources exclusively for its own needs. Even legally Robocash Group and Zaymer are separate entities. Thus, any negative scenario of the current events in relation to the Russian business will not have an impact on the activities of the Group in other countries.


What is the default and recovery rate in 2022? 

At the group level, as of March 2021, the default rate (90+ DPD) was 13.5%. As of July, an average recovery rate was 16.1%

What has been the net profit/loss and the cash flow of the part of the company that provides the group guarantee in 2022?

While does not offer a direct group guarantee issued by the Robocash Group, it is important to note that the platform is part of the holding company which guarantees obligations of its loan originators via direct participation in capital. 

For the H1 2022, the Group's net profit came to 13.9 M USD, 9.7% less than the same period previous year. As the Group continues developing its eCommerce products in the Philippines, there is a decrease in net profit compared to previous periods. However, this effect stays strictly within the Management's estimates, and the holding continues to show positive results. The net cash flow for H1 2022 was 4 million USD.

What is the overdue rate in 2022? 

The share of overdue loans at the beginning of 2022 averaged 12% FPD 30+. As for the platform, the share of such loans (counted from the first day) amounts to 13.2% now.


Why are you changing the interest rates?

The interest rates reflect the state of business and the supply and demand ratio on the platform. as a platform is performing successfully, our portfolio now holds over 57 million euros, and it’s growing steadily. Robocash Group develops confidently and stays profitable through all collisions, which also backs flawless performance of the platform. As any business, we need to stay efficient, and we see now as the right moment to adjust the interest rates.

How relevant is the funding provided by the Robocash platform to the Group lending companies?

Investment from the platform comprises about 15% of the whole funding for the Group. Other sources include the group’s own funds and bonds by the Singaporean platform, among others.

What are the situation and investment perspectives regarding Sri Lanka and Philippines loans on platform?

We launched Sri Lanka this year, but we are not uploading new loans due to the economic and political instability in the country. It is a priority for us to ensure the safety of investors' funds. At the group level, we have continued to serve our customers in the country during these challenging times by restructuring our operations for the safety of our employees. As soon as the situation stabilizes, we will resume work with Sri Lanka on the platform.

UnaPay is developing steadily, and the main focus of the Philippine creditor is now on expanding a new product, a medicine delivery service UnaPharma. It's funded through commercial loans from Singapore among other sources. We continue to load Philippine loans on the platform, but we always recommend that you diversify your portfolio so that the funds are properly invested.

The presentation for the webcast can be found here. The webcast recording is available on our YouTube channel. 


Thank you for investing with!

Robocash d.o.o (“Robocash”) is a company registered in the Republic of Croatia under registration No. 081224371, with legal address at Petračićeva 4, Zagreb, Croatia, 10110.

Robocash is not regulated under any financial services license. When you invest on Robocash, you buy claim rights for loan receivables and investments in loan receivables are subject to risks. We advise diversifying investments and carefully evaluating the risks.