Business update: Ukrainian conflict impact | Upcoming Robocash bank details changes

Dear investors, 

1. Changes in bank details

As part of an on-going business process, we are transferring all further transactions to the new payment provider, 3S Money

Meanwhile, we make sure your funds are safe and continue to be invested. The option to withdraw funds through BlueOrange Bank will remain available during the transition period.

For the time being, please be aware that all pending deposits made through Blue Orange Bank today may be refunded back to you. To proceed with the new investment, please use the new account number of the Robocash platform from February 25, 2022:

Account name: Robocash d.o.o
IBAN: NL86MOLU0796826382
Bank SWIFT code: MOLUNL22
Bank name: 3S Money Club Limited
Bank Institution Address: Amsterdam, Herengracht 281, Netherlands
Currency: EUR

We apologize for the inconvenience caused.

2. Robocash Group companies during on-going events

The planned changes, as well as current political tension, will not affect the operation of the platform and the holding as a whole. The money invested on the Robocash platform is directed to the holding development in Asia and is in no way transferred to or from Russia. Zaymer, representing the Group in Russia, is focused on the domestic market and is not involved in the platform operation. Notably, Zaymer has no borrowings from foreign companies and possesses enough equity to cover all current needs. Additionally, the Group’s business in Asia has no relationship with Russian banks, thus facing no financial risk, connected with the conflict.

At the same time, Robocash Group is ready to quickly take the necessary measures during the current events. The company successfully emerged from the crisis year of 2020 with good financial results and is equipped to adapt its business to new market conditions.

3. Update on interest rates 

Taking into account current events, we delay the decision to lower the interest rate until further updates.

We share your feelings and want to hear from you.

Please send us your questions and any concerns related to the topics above via the form. The form is anonymous. We will strive to provide all the answers to your questions swiftly. 


Take care. 

Kind regards, Team

Robocash d.o.o (“Robocash”) is a company registered in the Republic of Croatia under registration No. 081224371, with legal address at Petračićeva 4, Zagreb, Croatia, 10110.

Robocash is not regulated under any financial services license. When you invest on Robocash, you buy claim rights for loan receivables and investments in loan receivables are subject to risks. We advise diversifying investments and carefully evaluating the risks.