Every eighth P2P investor in Europe spends the most on traveling

Along with everyday expenses, such as housing and food, European investors spend a lot on trips. Thus, traveling is the largest expense in the budget for 12.3% of them. These are the findings of a recent survey conducted by the P2P platform Robo.cash.

For most investors in Europe, the largest expense items in the budget are housing and food, as noted by 58.9% and 16.7% of respondents, respectively. Interestingly, the next most popular answer was traveling. It was mentioned by every eighth investor (12.3%). Other responses included  transport, clothing, healthcare, investment and savings. 

Analysts of the company point out that the travel frequency depends largely on financial abilities and free time of investors. Thus, according to a previous survey of the platform, only 67% of investors work full time. 8.1% are employed part time and are less dependent on the working schedule. 13.3% of respondents are entrepreneurs, who have a steady income and can manage their time more freely. Another 2.8% are retired and have an opportunity to travel at any time.

It is remarkable that among the German respondents, whose largest expense is also housing (72.1%), traveling was the second most popular answer (7.4%). Only 6.8% said they spent most on transport, and 6.3% - on food. The tendency of German investors to travel a lot correlates with the Eurostat data, according to which tourists from Germany spent the most (26%) on domestic and outbound trips in 2017 compared to other EU countries. On the global scale, in 2018, Germany ranked third by international tourism expenditure with 94 billion USD, following the United States and China. 

The survey was conducted by Robo.cash in October and included 600 P2P investors from European countries. The majority of respondents represented Germany - 38.8%.

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