Interest rates on short loans will change on November 25th

With market trends and rapid recovery after the covid in mind, revises its interest rates. Given mounting evidence the platform is developing quickly, we see this as a crucial action that will help the company economy's long-term performance.


The new interest rates on short-term loans for up to 30 days will be 10%. Loans of 31 to 60 days will now come with 10.5% per annum. Together with the loyalty program, you can still increase your profit to 11% and to 11.5%, respectively.

A more detailed breakdown by loan terms and rates is shown in the illustration below.

The new interest rates on will be applied on Thursday, November 25th. Please remember to adjust your portfolio settings to get your funds invested properly.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at [email protected].

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Robocash d.o.o (“Robocash”) is a company registered in the Republic of Croatia under registration No. 081224371, with legal address at Petračićeva 4, Zagreb, Croatia, 10110.

Robocash is not regulated under any financial services license. When you invest on Robocash, you buy claim rights for loan receivables and investments in loan receivables are subject to risks. We advise diversifying investments and carefully evaluating the risks.