Takeaways from Robo.talks Live Webcast Q3 2021

On November 2, we held a new webcast on the Group’s and the platform’s results for Q3 2021, presented by the Deputy CFO of Robocash Group Grigorii Shikunov.

Let’s take a look at the key takeaways from our virtual meeting.


Q3 continued the upward trend, showing the following results:

  • The net deposits increased by 25% QoQ and reached a record 2.4 M euro in August. 
  • The volume of financed loans grew by 23% QoQ, bringing us to a new milestone of 300 M euro since the platform launch.
  • We have released a series of tutorial videos for novice investors. 


According to the Group management estimates, in Q3 the holding obtained a net profit of 4.9 M USD. In total, in 2021 the company generated 19 M USD of net profits. 

  • The Group ended the Q3 with USD 87.7 M of revenue, with over USD 227.6 M made in revenue during 9M 2021.
  • The issued principal amount for 9M of 2021 exceeded the results for 9M of 2020 by 60% and totalled to USD 547.3 M.
  • The amount of retained earnings reached USD 31 M growing by 51% compared to 9M 2020.


Below, we have collected the main topics covered during the Q&A session:


What is the default rate, the share of overdue loans and the recovery rate in Q3 and throughout 2021? 

At the group level, we measure the default rate using DPD 90+ (90 days past due). Now, we generally maintain it at around 12.9%, which is within the model of the operated business. In Q3, the average recovery rate was 15.6%, and throughout the year we kept it at 15.7%. 

The average share of overdue loans throughout the year was 12.1% FPD 30+. As for the platform, the share of such loans (counted from the first day) amounts to 18.1% now, which is 1.6% less than in the previous quarter. 


Other than Robocash belonging to the Group, does it plan to become a regulated platform to increase safety for the investors? 

The experience of successful resilience to the crisis shows that we can continue to serve our clients effectively, even in adverse conditions, by providing them with adequate guarantees. Given that the Baltiс states are a very promising area for fintech development, in principle, the process of implementing regulation is a necessary step. We will be ready to comply with the regulation when it is accepted, because we are sure that it will increase investors’ trust in crowdlending and simplify the operation of P2P platforms. Once we find a suitable option for regulating our business model, we will of course use it.


Is there a possibility of introducing individual IBAN accounts for investors? 

Currently, we are not considering the introduction of iban accounts due to the operating model of the Robocash investment platform. The platform acts as an intermediary between the investor (buyer of the claim) and the lender (seller of the claim). Through this, Robocash facilitates payments between virtual accounts available on the platform both for the investor and loan originator, which reflects their account balances and made transactions throughout the duration of the agreement.  

Singapore loans are classified as business loans. Could you please explain how this works? 

The Singapore loan originator attracts funds for the development of the Robocash Group's business in Asia. Through this intermediary, we transmit funds to transactions that are not large enough to be placed directly on the platform. In essence, Singapore accumulates funds that are distributed among lending companies in markets where our expansion is smaller. 

You can find the presentation for the webcast here. The webcast recording is available on our YouTube channel. 

Watch Webcast Recording


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Robocash d.o.o (“Robocash”) is a company registered in the Republic of Croatia under registration No. 081224371, with legal address at Petračićeva 4, Zagreb, Croatia, 10110.

Robocash is not regulated under any financial services license. When you invest on Robocash, you buy claim rights for loan receivables and investments in loan receivables are subject to risks. We advise diversifying investments and carefully evaluating the risks.