Takeaways from Robo.talks Live Webcast of May 24

On May 24, Grigorii Shikunov, CFO of Robocash Group, held a quarterly webcast, where he spoke about the main results of the Group and the platform over the past reporting periods.


  • In Q1, investors' earnings amounted to 1.3 M euros
  • More than 2 thousand people joined the platform
  • Robocash exceeded 400 M euros of financed loans

During the first quarter, we managed to:

  • hold several meetings with Robocash executives, where we talked about the company's focus for 2022 and covered investors’ main concerns
  • introduce a new Platinum status in the Loyalty program for investors with a portfolio balance of 50 thousand euros or more
  • switch to a new payment provider and increased investment limits for individuals
  • launch a project from Sri Lanka, which is currently on pause due to the unstable situation in the country


  • 2021 showed a significant increase in revenue, +148.6% compared to 2020
  • Both net profit and retained earning increased by +24% and +56.7%, respectively, year-on-year

You can find the Summary Combined Financial Statements with the Independent Auditor’s Report


Below are the main topics covered during the Q&A session:


What is Robocash doing for the new European agreement required in November for all crowdfunding/crowdlending participants?

We are closely monitoring the regulatory landscape in Croatia, however, as of today, there is no applicable licensing regime.
Regarding crowdfunding license. Please note that the Robocash platform is a peer-to-portfolio lending platform, not a crowdfunding platform. The essential difference between P2P lending and crowdfunding is that we do not give away any equity, but rather pay interest on the money you invest when buying the claim rights on Robocash.

Robocash is one of the best platforms. Why and when will you be regulated? 

The process of implementing regulation is a necessary step. We will be ready to comply with the regulation when it is accepted, because we are sure that it will increase investors’ trust in crowdlending and simplify the operation of P2P platforms. Once we find a suitable option for regulating our business model, we will of course use it.


What has been the net profit/loss and the cash flow, of the part of the company that guarantees the group guarantee, in 2022?

The Robo.cash platform operates as a part of Robocash Group, and is backed by its guarantee. 

For the first quarter of 2022, the Group's net profit came to 1.5 M USD. Cash flow for the first four months was -11.5M USD, as the Group continued its expansion course using the cash accumulated by the end of 2021.

What is the default and recovery rate in 2022? 

At the group level, we measure the default rate using DPD 90+ (90 days past due). As of December 2021, it was 12.9%. At the beginning of May, an average recovery rate was 15.18%

What is the delayed rate in 2022? 

At the group level, the share of overdue loans at the beginning of 2022 averaged 13.1% FPD 30+. As for the platform, the share of such loans (counted from the first day) amounts to 12.1% now.

Are the numbers in the quarterly results confirmed by an independent auditor?

The Group's consolidated financial statements are reviewed by an independent auditor from the Big 10 FBK Grant Thornton. Quarterly reports on Robo.cash are prepared according to the platform database.


How much total and short-term debt does robocash have?

At the moment, 20% of investor funds are in short-term loans up to 60 days. The remaining funds are in loans for a period up to 3 years. 12% of investors' funds are in long-term loans for a period of 1 year or more.

Will we be in position to invest directly in Robo.cash?

The holding as a whole has no plans to attract capital investment, but rather focuses on debt financing. The platform was originally created as one of the sources for raising funds in the Group’s companies. 


How is Robocash preparing concerning a potential food and economic crisis in developing countries which could have an impact in Robocash Portfolio?

Economic crisis and food shortages in developing countries are possible in 2022 and 2023. We do evaluate negative scenarios for countries where we operate and plan ways to safeguard our assets. However, we do not consider these risks immediate, and they do not affect our current operations.


The presentation for the webcast can be found here. The webcast recording is available on our YouTube channel. 

Watch Webcast Recording


Thank you for investing with Robo.cash!

Robocash d.o.o (“Robocash”) is a company registered in the Republic of Croatia under registration No. 081224371, with legal address at Petračićeva 4, Zagreb, Croatia, 10110.

Robocash is not regulated under any financial services license. When you invest on Robocash, you buy claim rights for loan receivables and investments in loan receivables are subject to risks. We advise diversifying investments and carefully evaluating the risks.