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What are the different types of account statements for?

You can download different types of reports from your account on the Account statement page.

  • Statement provides a breakdown of your funds movement such as depositing and withdrawing funds, investing in loans, getting earnings, etc. It contains each operation with the exact date and time of the transaction.

  • Advanced statement provides the same breakdown but with more details about each transaction, such as the transaction ID, credit part number, loan originator country and name.

  • Turnover statement shows a summary of funds movement for a chosen period. This report can be requested by your bank, for instance.

  • Tax report, as the name suggests, is needed when you report your taxes to the respective tax authorities. It is a document that states the gross and net income you obtained from Robocash in the chosen period of time.

  • Credits share by creditor shows the share of loans by each loan originator in your total portfolio.
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Robocash d.o.o (“Robocash”) is a company registered in the Republic of Croatia under registration No. 081224371, with legal address at Petračićeva 4, Zagreb, Croatia, 10110.

Robocash is not regulated under any financial services license. When you invest on Robocash, you buy claim rights for loan receivables and investments in loan receivables are subject to risks. We advise diversifying investments and carefully evaluating the risks.